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Network edge:

Access networks, physical media: wired, wireless communication links

Network core

Frequency division multiplexing: different channels transmitted in different frequencies

HFC: hybrid fibre coax

Circuit switching

Packet switching

e.g. 1Mbps link, each user has 100Kbps when active, but only active 10% of the time

Probability that 11 or more users or more are sending is equal to 1 - the probability that 10 users are sending
\[\begin{align} 1 - P(\text{10 users sending}) &= 1 - \sum_{n = 0}^{10} {\binom{35}{n} 0.1^n (1-0.1)^{35 - n}}\\ &= 0.0004\\ \end{align}\]

Internet structure

Network loss and delays

\[d_{nodal} = d_{proc} + d_{queue} + d_{trans} + d_{prop}\]

Queueing delay

Given a packet length of \(L\) bits, an \(R\) bps link, and an average arrival rate \(a\), we define traffic utilization or traffic intensity:
\[\text{Traffic intensity} = \frac{\underbrace{La}_\text{rate of arriving bits}}{\underbrace{R}_\text{rate of outgoing bits}}\]

traceroute provides delay measurement from source to router, for each router along the path to the destination. Can be used to find routers that are congested

Throughput is the rate (bits/time) at which bits are transferred between sender and receiver


Each later represents a service

Internet protocol stack:

OSI model:

Encapsulation means taking something from another layer, adding a header, and passing it on (not directly modifying data from the previous layer, just extending it)
